Monthly Giveaways $1,000 Prize Makeover Contest Mary Kay is launching an ALL NEW makeover contest starting TODAY! I’m giving you details on how to enter! 6 winners are getting $1,000 cash, a girlfriend weekend trip and a boatload of free products! Some one I know should REALLY win this! No purchase is necessary! 1) book your appointment to create a new look 2) try some new products 3) Snap a picture and submit it to the contest mini site! Click here to book your Free appointment 📅 How to enter the monthly $100 product giveaway Do any of the following for an entry into the monthly giveaway: Spend $100 on product with me Send me a referral Have an in person or virtual appointment with me (book here: Interact with me on social media. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube July’s Giveaway Winner I’m coming to you from from #dallastx to announce the Monthly winner for the $100 product giveaway for #july! Who will it be?